Friday 25 October 2013

YouTube Spotlight: Nerd³ - Rambolic Recommendations

Daniel Hardcastle is the reason I started the gaming side of this blog and also why I don't blog often. 

As a member of the internet community, I am well versed in the goings on of several YouTube "celebrities". However, I feel that some don't get as much attention as they deserve, and this is why this section has been set up. Obviously, this is only my opinion, but this is my blog and only a recommendation so....there.

While thinking of the first person to choose for a YouTube Spotlight, I was thinking why I started blogging like this and reviewing games in this way, and then it hit me - 

For those of you who don't know, Daniel Hardcastle, or Nerd Cubed as he is known on YouTube - is a British game reviewer and vlogger. While that isn't spectacular on YouTube, the way he presents his reviews, his amazing sense of humor and his editing skills make him stand out among the others.

I often refer to him as the Eddie Izzard of game reviewers, as his humor can be dry and rambling but, for me at least, it is always hilarious and entertaining. I first saw 
Nerd³ when he did a collaboration with Martyn Littlewood (or InTheLittleWood as he is known on YouTube). After that First Great Journey, I was hooked on his charm and sense of humor. 

His work includes Reviews, challenges, vlogs on a Secondary Channel, collaborations with other YouTubers (including his Dad, which are hilarious as well), as well as more serious pieces and rants about current problems. He also used to do Let's Plays and the 13 Ways To Die series on Machinima, which had their own charm and the same anarchic comedic value.
There are very few YouTube comedy reviewers who can keep that comedic edge up to a very high standard, but Dan Hardcastle is one of those people, and he deserves his over 1 million subscribers and probably more.

It's very hard to pick a "best" Nerd Cubed video to try and give a good example of his work, as all of his videos have their own merits. There's not formula in place for one of his videos. Handily, he made a video called "
Nerd³ in a Nutshell", which is, well, self explanatory:

So there we have it, I believe you should all go and support Daniel "Nerd³" Hardcastle in every way you can, because quite frankly, there is no one else on YouTube who can provide the regular and hillarious content that he can. Just do it. Enter the Domain of the Nerd³...


Nerd³ Channel
Nerd³ Second Channel
Nerd³ Twitter
Dad³ Channel

Monday 21 October 2013

Introducing...Rambolic Recommendations!

Ladies and Gentlemen, I am adding yet another idea/section to my blog, namely Rambolic Recommendations.

In this section, I will try and promote people, bands, websites and other such things that I feel is worth your time and sometimes money in supporting or watching. This will be split into four main sections:

1. YouTube Spotlight - Where I suggest a YouTube account that has either inspired me to do something or just made me laugh. This could range from Gaming channels, music videos or just random videos which had amused me.

2. Bands Worth a Damn - This will be where I promote bands and artists which I feel don't get their fair share of praise. I already have at least 3 articles set up for this very subject so they should be coming very soon...maybe

3. PlayItNow - This is where I recommend either a new or retro game which I think people should have a lot of fun with. This may also clash with my game reviews themselves, but it will become clear later which games go into which sections

4. Back The Cause - This is my serious section where I ask you guys to back or support someone or something very close to my heart or that I feel is being neglected. For an example of this, see my last post on the topic of censorship to get an idea.

Although some of these will overlap slightly with the other sections I post about, this will not overshadow any of my other sections. I know I don't post a lot due to work restraints but I will try and keep it up to a few posts a month.

So keep an eye out for my personal favourites and also have a look at my Tumblr page where the shorter of these articles will probably end up exclusively.

But anyway, that's what's been going on here. I have a few reviews going at the moment, both music and retro game wise, so watch out for those and I'll speak to you later.

Good day and Ta Ra...

Please Support TotalBiscuit - Serious Rant

Please share this if you believe TotalBiscuit deserves his money for doing his job.
After watching this and Nerd³ videos on the subject of censorship and YouTube, I feel it is extremely important to let people know how some companies are bending the rules to deceive the public.
TotalBiscuit’s job is to critique games, for better or for worse, and for anyone to say he does not deserve the money or revenue for these videos is quite frankly insulting to him, his fans and to all the budding game reviewers/critics on the internet. His channel is one of the main reasons I ended up setting up a review blog, so to see his channel attacked like this so that a game developer can pull the wool over the consumers’ eyes for longer is atrocious.
Please watch this and Dan’s video (which I’ve linked under the Nerd Cubed name) to make people more aware of what some are trying to do. They’re trying to trick us into believing their game is of a decent standard by slating anyone who opposes that idea.
TotalBiscuit is one of the most insightful and hard working critics on YouTube, and I’d hate for him to curb his show because of such pettiness from a couple of developers. Please watch the video to see what I mean and show your support for him and those who fight against the misuse of censorship.
Thank you.